The Doo Doo Guru
Septic Tank Inspections – All you need to know!
How to prepare your septic tank for fall!
Some summer fun!!
Weather Change Reminder!!!
Great Septic Information from the US EPA
Your septic tank can tell us a lot about you! :)
Our favorite part of this article:
2. The toilet paper inside your tank gives away secrets about you
In addition to sludge, scum, and effluent, your septic tank contains a floating island of toilet paper.
“The heavier the toilet paper, the less likely it is to dissolve in the tank,” Seipp says. “When you open up the tank of a family of four daughters, you’re going to see a lot of TP.”
You can even identify the brand by what it looks like inside the tank. For instance, Cottonelle looks “just like cotton,” Seipp says, while Quilted Northern and Charmin are dense and clumpy.
Also, fun fact: If you eat a lot of fatty food, your septic pro will know it. Leftover oils and grease also float, which can make that TP “frothy.”
Read the whole article at this link:
~The Doo Doo Guru
Some shots of our crew!!
Things to avoid putting in your septic system!!
-Fats or Grease
-Motor Oils or Fuels
-Disposable Papers
-Coffee grounds, egg shells and nutshells
-Feminine Hygeine Products
-Paper towels or Rags
-Paints or Chemicals
~ The Doo Doo Guru
Read and Learn about the potential for septic tank disasters!!!
We did a job today at a home that was built in 1987. Since then, two additions had been made to the home and a detached garage had been built with a guest apartment above it.
The main septic tank had never been pumped, and the lid was actually under an aggregate concrete sidewalk. Along with a sidewalk being over top of the septic tank, the water lines, the electrical lines, and drain lines, were also on top of the septic tank.
There isn’t anything simple we could do to fix every problem here… but we were able to cut the concrete sidewalk to get to the lid without ruining any of the lines, we installed a riser so that the tank has easier access, and were able to put the concrete back and it didn’t look too disturbed. The main tank was dangerously close to backing up.
In the guest house, an old water tank from Tractor Supply seemed to be what prior owners had installed for a septic tank…. now the guest apartment has a real septic tank that will meet the needs of the homeowner.
Moral of the story, when you do additions on a home, make sure you get a permit and do not do anything that would impact your septic tank and the location and its’ accessibility.
And of course, if you’re in need of our services, give us a call at 615-504-7178
~the Doo Doo Guru