The Doo Doo Guru
Portable Toilets!
Happy Birthday to our website designer!
Happy birthday Kelly Normand! If anyone is needing a website, she’s the girl to call!
~the Doo Doo Guru
Things aren’t always what they appear to be….
Lies Lies Lies
Everyday Heroes!
Our Top Dog!!! :)
Cooter- As we wrap up our week of greatness that comes from our employees I can not leave out Cooter, Waynes sidekick. Wayne’s goal is to train him to locate septic tanks… (hey if they can be trained to sniff out drugs why not septic..) Cooter has had some minor trauma with his health as a puppy that may delay his training, but regardless he will always greet us with a chaotic knocking of a tail and a pounce full of licks (all over) or tug a war with whatever he can get too… Oh and he is awesome at keeping the wooly bugers off of us with his batman radar ears. This is a our wild child of the family. (hey every family must have one).
From the owners:
Tommy- Every office has a go to person and Tommy is just that. Whatever you need done he is eager to help. For a year now Tommy has been cleaning and servicing indoor grease traps, delivering and pick up of port a pots, and cleaning of pots.
Whenever our drivers schedule has an over-loaded route for the day and Tommy is available, he is called to help them get there jobs done in a timely fashion. Tommy is very informative and always keeps us in the loop. I get tickled when he calls us, it always starts out as “hey boss lady” or “hey boss man”. Tommy has a huge heart and a great love for his family.
From the owners:
Dee – When Robert first met Dee she worked in sales for a vendor of ours. He could tell right away she had compassion for us as a customer. She would not sell him anything that would not benefit the company. (Which we all know is almost unbelievable for a sales person to tell you no you do not want that.) She left the company to devote her time to her children. She took on a marketing position for Elitte 5 years ago as she was able to continue being home with them. God later placed her in another position in the church. Her heart grew even stronger as she listened to the Lord and went back to college to complete her studies in Ministry. (All this as she continued to grow our company.) Graduation came and today as she continues to follow the Lords word. She left her position with the church to open a home that servers single mothers and their children whom are homeless. This lady is a true hero in my book. But did I mention she is still working with Elitte? She handles all our marketing including our facebook, website, internet listings and the inconsistent tornados that Robert and I throw at her. She continues to give us wonderful advise on what we should and should not be spending our money on for marketing just as she did prior to working for us. (When I grow up, I want to be just like her and have her hair!!) Have I mentioned just how fortunate Robert and I are to have such wonderful people working for us!! We are truly blessed.
From the Owners:
Camren – This guy has completely blown us away from the day he called wanting a job. So much we were hesitant to hire him. He has been with Elitte for 2 years and the impression and business he has brought to the table in 2 years is remarkable. He moved here from out of state to work at our Madison location and before he could even get his family moved he was promoted and running our Dickson location. When we offered him to run our Dickson location we assumed he would grab the bull by the horns but never did we imagine he would tear the bulls head off. (Seriously guys he has the strength of The Hulk.) Camren has a heart of gold and a love for Christ that always shines through him. He has the world ahead of him and we can not wait to see him and help him fulfill his future goals of owning his own business. He has a beautiful family (he’s married to I Dream of “Jeannie” at least she could so pull it off.) that he loves dearly. On his down time (which I am still trying to figure out when that is!) he helps with the athletic program at his children’s Christian school. Another one of our wonderful Doo Doo Guru’s.
From the owners:
Brandon – (Mr. Swank of the Tank) has been with Elitte for 3 years. His love for this company is obvious by the number of customer calls we get raving over the service he has provided. He has shown us on many occasions how compassionate he is about the reputation and continued growth of the company. He knows his work inside and out and is eager to help in any way. Not only is Brandon a wonderful septic tank and grease trap cleaner/pumper he is also a fantastic trainer for any new hires with his great personality. He is a hard worker and very dedicated to his job. He is very trustworthy and a true friend, a very important member of our Elitte family.